Tim and Jeni's new dog.....Rainey!

We got a dog!

His name is Rainey. We picked that name after considering several others including Kermit the Dog, Nelson Mutz, and of course Tebow and Harvin. He's a lab mix, about 9 months old. He doesn't bark, is housebroken and very affectionate.

I think he had been on his own for a little while. I found him off of Waldo Rd when I was delivering a car for work. After searching the area for the owner, I took him to the county shelter, and told him we would come get him if no one claimed him. He spent a week there, went unclaimed, so I stayed true to my word, and we adopted him.

He's dealing with a bout of kennel cough right now, but he's put on a little weight in the 3 days we've had him already and the vet says he'll be fine in a few weeks.
We haven't introduced him to the cats yet, but that's coming this week.

We'll see how it goes....


Greg said...

Trust me on this one - take Rainey to obedience school. Sophie has been behaving much better since she started classes. In fact, she just passed her AKC Canine Good Citizen test.

Anonymous said...

Should have named him Demps.