Abby's 2011 Karate Tournament

After having recently been promoted to orange belt, Abby participated in Mike Carr's 2011 Karate Tournament. The Tournament started with a specular demonstration of one of the instructors chopping two pieces of wood in half that were on fire!

Karate Tournament 2011 (Abby)

She started a little slow with grappling - Julie says she does better against the boys than against the girls in grappling. As you can see, it was a close match, but she lost:

Next up was sword fighting. She was upset about her loss in grappling and took it out on the other girls. Here is her first round fight:

A victory in round one resulted in a second round fight:

A victory in the second fight resulted in a third:

A victory in her third fight resulted in a trip to the FINALS:

Abby finished in second. As you can see in this photo, the girl who beat Abby was older and bigger:
Karate Tournament 2011 (Abby)

The tournament concluded with some Randori. Abby lost her first fight but, as you can see, it was close.

All in all, the tournament was a success and we had a great time. As you can see from her giant smile, Abby enjoyed herself. This is what she had to say when she was done:


Unknown said...

Awesome!!!! The Metallica with fire really sets the tone for the whole tournament for me.

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